Arvid Veidmark, Principal Consultant | Senior Advisor
Arvid Veidmark III has 30+ years of professional hands on experience designing, estimating, and managing trenchless underground construction projects for large municipalities, as well as private and public corporations. Arvid possesses unique first hand anecdotal information and expertise on trenchless technologies and their applications.
He consults engineering firms and leads the successful creation of project designs, method selections, and specifications. Arvid provides his clients with recommendations that can be implemented to intelligently and successfully plan, design, and construct tunnels for highways, buildings, and utility infrastructure projects across the globe. Arvid’s advanced knowledge of trenchless technologies and vacuum excavation has helped engineering firms and government officials accurately specify more cost effective and environmentally safe methods of construction.
Arvid is an Owner and Executive Vice President of Specialized Services Company and the Principal Consultant of Trenchless Constructability & Design.